Dear Pilgrim,

Are you a professional photographer? The pilgrimage team is looking for photographers who can help chronicle our sacred journey in the footsteps of the Masters, capturing special moments for future generations to enjoy.

If you are a professional photographer who is going on this pilgrimage, and you are willing to contribute to this seva project, would you please e-mail the pilgrimage team at and let us know? We are looking for photos that will be of archival quality to stand as a record of this momentous event.

All hobby photographers' contributions will also be greatly appreciated after the pilgrimage. Although right now we are looking for names of professional photographers within our group.

For anyone planning to bring professional photographic equipment (or any other expensive equipment) into India, our travel agent has advised that you may want to have that noted on your passport when you enter India, so you have no difficulty leaving with the same equipment.

Thank you for your participation in this important seva.

In loving service,
The pilgrimage team

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