
The holy sites where saints, sages and yogis have sanctified the earth through their meditations, prayers and selfless service are saturated in purifying vibrations. These vibrations are made even stronger by the devout, who journey there year after year to pray and offer their gratitude. Taking a pilgrimage expresses one's spiritual desire to be transformed by these purifying vibrations. Participating in such a journey is an act of faith and surrender, putting complete trust in God to guide one's footsteps throughout the pilgrimage.

This holy pilgrimage is dedicated to the lives of the Kriya Masters and the practice of Kriya Yoga as it leads to Self-Realization. It will provide the extremely rare opportunity of being in the presence of Shri Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji in the places of highest spiritual vibration pertaining to Kriya Yoga.

Meditating as a group in the holy places where the soil has been sanctified by saints, has the potential to take one to higher states of consciousness than might ordinarily be reached. Having the travel arrangements made for us allows us to focus on our spiritual practice as we travel throughout India.

View from Mahavatar Babaji's cave at Ranikhet