Food on the Pilgrimage

Dear Pilgrims,

Several of you have asked us about what food we will be having on our journey. While we do not have the exact details of our menu on the pilgrimage, perhaps this short note will provide you with helpful information.

On this pilgrimage we will enjoy simple, vegetarian, locally prepared meals. These meals will consist of customary Indian dishes such as dahl (lentils prepared various ways) with rice and side dishes of cooked vegetables. And some days it will mean boxed picnic meals for breakfast and or lunch.

Many of our meals will be vegan, although we can expect milk, ghee, yogurt and possibly paneer in some of our dishes (which is considered vegetarian). These ingredients are standard in the preparation of many Indian dishes. Milk is not used in dahl curry, subjee (vegetable dishes) or chapatti--these are all foods we will enjoy along the way. However, many Indian sweets are dairy based so strict vegans may choose to avoid the sweets and also avoid chai--the famous, milk-laden, herb-spiced tea that is popular across India. Plain tea may be obtainable in some places where we will dine.

If you have any food allergies or specific dietary requirements that you forgot to include on your pilgrimage registration application, please let us know immediately. However, we cannot guarantee that our service providers can fulfill special requests along our pilgrimage route. ***Therefore, if you have special dietary requirements, please be sure to bring along snacks to supplement your diet for the duration of the journey.

When traveling in India, international travelers will find it best to take certain precautions to avoid food-born contamination and illness. Eat only freshly cooked food, avoiding raw vegetables, salads, and fresh fruit juice. Eat only intact fruit that still has its peel on it, and peel it yourself after washing the fruit with clean water. Drink only pure bottled or purified water, and avoid ice in drinks. And always clean your hands before eating, either with soap and clean water or a hand sanitizer.

In loving service,
The pilgrimage team

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