Bring Info for Arrival Card

Dear Pilgrims,

If you are traveling to India via an international flight, your flight crew will most likely give you a Customs Arrival Declaration form to fill in and present to Indian Customs at the airport. If not, then you will find the forms in the Customs hall.

One of the questions on the Customs Arrival Declaration form will ask you for your address in India. Please remember to bring the address and contact information of your pre-pilgrimage hotel, if you are arriving early for the pilgrimage. Or if you are arriving on November 15 you may use the address for the Kalyanika Ashram, where we will be staying when we are in Almora:

Kalyanika Himalayam Devsthanam
Village: Kanara, Post:Chaikhan, Dist: Almora
Uttarakhand -- India
Telephone: 05962-256023/256001

In loving service,
The pilgrimage team

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